Magpie geese and waterfowl season dates

This page has the latest information on the 2023 waterfowl hunting season in the Northern Territory (NT).

You must have a permit to hunt for magpie geese and waterfowl on:

  • private land from Monday 14 August
  • public land including hunting reserves from Wednesday 20 September.

Daily bag limit

During the declared season, there is a bag limit for magpie geese and waterfowl.

The daily bag limit is:

  • magpie geese - 7 birds per hunter
  • other permitted waterfowl - 10 birds per hunter.

If you are away from your place of residence, for example, camping for 3 or more days, you can have a maximum of:

  • 21 magpie geese and
  • 30 other waterfowl.

Waterfowl permitted to be hunted

Scientific name Common name
Anseranas semipalmata Magpie goose
Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck
Anas gracilis Grey teal
Aythya australis Hardhead duck (also known as white-eyed duck)
Chenonetta jubata Maned duck (also known as wood duck)
Dendrocygna arcuata Wandering whistling duck (also known as water whistle duck)
Dendrocygna eytoni Plumed whistling duck (also known as grass whistle duck)
Malacorhynchus membranaceus Pink-eared duck

Ethical hunting

You should behave ethically when hunting waterfowl. This means you:

  • consider animal welfare
  • have appropriate hunter training
  • behave respectfully towards others
  • follow the law - read more about compliance for firearms licences and weapons.

When hunting, you should not fire into flocks of flying waterfowl but single out a bird and fire when it is within range.

You should only shoot at waterfowl or animals on or in water after checking it's safe to do so.

Clean up after yourself

Make sure you:

  • take all litter (including empty cartridges) with you
  • dispose of animal remains by spreading them out with 5m between each carcass.

NT Hunting Mate app

You can download the NT Hunting Mate app to access waterfowl hunting rules and information on your phone.

This app allows you to search for:

  • waterfowl species
  • bag limit information
  • hunting zone locations.

Download the app

Choose your app and download for free.

Download the app for android from google play Download the app for apple from the App Store


The Hunting Mate app has other features which can help you while you are hunting and for reporting purposes.

Waterfowl hunting

Use the app to find out more about:

  • ID of waterfowl species permitted to hunt
  • maps and locations of hunting reserves
  • possession limits, hunting times and non-toxic shot
  • how to apply for a permit through the app - online applications
  • safe and responsible hunting.


You can also use the app to report:

  • illegal hunting
  • problem crocodiles.


Use the following details to report:

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