Crocodile safety: Be Crocwise

How to stay safe

This page has tips for staying safe in an area where there could be crocodiles.

Never swim in water  where crocodiles may live - even if there is no warning sign.

Only swim in  signed areas.

Obey all warning signs - they are there to keep you safe.

Always keep a lookout.

Stay well back from crocodile tracks - one may be nearby.

Never provoke, harass  or interfere with crocodiles. Even small ones.

Never feed crocodiles - it is illegal and dangerous.

Do not interfere with crocodile traps.

Be extra careful  around water at night.

Be extra careful  during the crocodile breeding season, from September to April.

Avoid going near the  edge of the water. Do not paddle or wade in the water.

Always stand at least 5m from the water’s edge when fishing.

Be extra careful when  launching or retrieving your boat - do not lean over the  edge of a boat or stand on logs overhanging the water.

Do not paddle, clean fish, prepare food or wash at the the water's edge or from the side of a boat.

Never dangle your arms  or legs over the side of a boat.

Crocodiles can attack people in boats. The smaller the boat, the greater the risk.

Don't enter the water to retrieve a lure.

Get out of the water as quickly as possible if you fall out of a  boat.

For more Crocwise information, get the boating and fishing in the Top End flyer PDF (1.5 MB).

Camp at least 50m from the water’s edge.

Avoid places where animals and livestock drink.

Avoid returning to  the same spot at the water’s edge to fill your bucket.

Dispose of food  scraps, fish offal and other waste in bins away from your campsite. Never leave food  scraps, fish frames or bait at your campsite, and check that other campers have  not left these behind.

Never prepare food,  wash dishes or do other tasks near the water’s edge or next to  sloping banks. Fill up your bucket and move away from the edge of the water.

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